woman looking at computer woman looking at computer

Empowering Strategic Procurement

2024 Financial Services Edition


Of 3,108 global procurement leaders surveyed:

  • 36%

    Reported technology or tools to be more efficient as their top procurement investment in 2024

  • 30%

    Reported decentralizing purchasing so others can more easily buy for their own teams as a top procurement investment in 2024

  • 29%

    Reported integrating more closely with other parts of the organization as a top procurement investment in 2024

Source: Amazon Business 2024 State of Procurement Report

woman working

Amazon Business Guide to

Empowering strategic procurement

In 2024, procurement in the financial services industry plays a pivotal role in facilitating the employee experience, ensuring regulatory compliance, and managing risk across distributed locations. Amazon Business helps make this a reality through smart business buying.

Read the guide

Learn how you can get started with procurement for financial services organizations.