Optimal Deployment | Amazon Business
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Optimal Deployment

With Amazon Business Professional Services


Exclusively for Business Prime Enterprise Customers

These services will help you understand and configure the Guided Buying and the Spend Visibility capabilities available with Business Prime. For each year your Enterprise plan is active, you may select one (1) of the service offerings below.

  • Amazon business

    Optimize Purchasing Guardrails

    Optimize your organizations' purchasing policies with Guided Buying

    Track compliance and reduce employee questions when you turn procurement rules into easy-to-follow signposts for buyers with Guided Buying. This offering helps you understand the difference between preferred, restricted, and blocked policies and you’ll get recommendations on how to use each one. Likewise, you’ll learn how to use Guided Buying with both products and suppliers.

  • Amazon business

    Optimize Visibility

    Discover new ways to save and opportunities for innovative purchasing policies with Spend Visibility

    Drill down into the details of your purchasing habits across suppliers, account groups, and spend categories with Spend Visibility. Analyze your spending with data visualizations that help you make smart budgeting decisions, locate compliance issues, and find opportunities to save in the future.  And with cloud-enabled abilities, you’ll get these insight on any device.

  • Some examples of how Customers have used this include:

    • The State of Oklahoma set up preferred policies so that their purchasers can search by diversity certifications and identify businesses owned by disabled veterans
    • A foodservice manufacturer set buying preferences for small businesses in order to match their supplier base with their customer base
    • A government organization set up automated messages for restricted items, which positively increased their mandatory catalog usage
  • Some examples of how Customers have used this include:

    • The State of Oklahoma learned how to leverage the analytics tools in order to gain a greater understanding of its overall spending
    •  An educational organization created analytics in Spend visibility that were critical in preparing for its office supplies tender
    • A manufacturing organization leverages Spend Visibility to measure compliance across their plants, analyze shipping costs, and identify additional savings opportunities

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Business Prime Enterprise Plan Customers qualify for this benefit.

  • You can select one (1) of these service offerings for no additional cost to your Business Prime Enterprise membership cost for each year that your Enterprise Plan is active.


    Optimize Purchasing Guardrails with Guided Buying configuration services are limited to up to 5 policies with 10 UNSPSC codes in each, up to 25 preferred products.

  • Contact your Amazon Business Customer Advisor and they will arrange the service with the Amazon Business Professional Services team.

  • You can only select one of the two service offerings per year. However, in the following year, if you continue to renew your Business Prime Enterprise plan membership, you can select another service offering.