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Using Data to Transform Procurement for Government Agencies

Mark Fox of Amazon Business joined the Off the Shelf podcast to discuss procurement transformation, e-commerce, and the role data management can and does play in supporting the federal mission.

Mark Fox, Director of Federal Sales at Amazon Business, appeared on Off the Shelf to discuss the crucial role of data transparency and management in reshaping supply chains and procurement functions. Improving the collection and analysis of data related to strategic sourcing, transactions, and suppliers will enhance organizational efficiency by enabling more predictive and proactive procurement and supply chain management.


Fox also emphasized the potential benefits of adopting enhanced data transparency to recognize and acknowledge current customer agency purchases from small businesses. He explains how utilizing data will help customer agencies comprehend their purchasing patterns and market conditions, ultimately optimizing procurement outcomes.

Off the Shelf Podcast


Using Data to Transform Procurement

ft. Mark Fox, Director of Federal Sales at Amazon Business

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Using Data to Transform Procurement

ft. Mark Fox, Director of Federal Sales at Amazon Business

00:00:00 / 00:00:00

About Off the Shelf

Hosted by Roger Waldron of the Coalition for Government Procurement, Off the Shelf interviews federal contracting experts from both inside and outside of government on the issues that matter most.

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