Add Buyers to Purchasing Account | Amazon Business
Growth Acceleration Solutions

Quickly and securely add buyers 

Add multiple users, manage permissions, and create buying groups for added efficiency.

  • Empower your employees to get what they need

    Empower your employees to get what they need

    Easy user invitations allow others to join your account with their own user names and passwords, keeping everyone’s purchases secure while their selection and spend are visible to the account administrator(s). 

    Add users to your account
  • Balance employee convenience with purchasing control

    Balance employee convenience with purchasing control

    Buy through your purchasing system using punchout to give buyers easy access to Amazon Business while complying with your procurement policies and controls. 

    Learn about punchout benefits
  • Streamline log-in with single sign-on (SSO)

    Streamline log-in with single sign-on

    You can reduce security risk and streamline access by giving buyers secure and one-click access to Amazon Business with single sign-on (SSO).

    Set up SSO
  • Gain better control over your buyers’ accounts

    Gain better control over your buyers’ accounts

    Reduce rogue spend and enforce best practices by establishing ownership over an email domain and designate it as your official business account. 

    Establish your Account Authority

Connect with a customer advisor to get started.