Customize your delivery preferences | Amazon Business
Manage your delivery experience

Manage your delivery experience

Customize your delivery preferences to get items when, where, and how you need them.

Customize your delivery preferences

If you're an Administrator for an Amazon Business account, edit delivery preferences for your shared addresses under Business Settings. If you are a purchaser, customize delivery preferences for your individual addressApplies to shipments delivered by Amazon Logistics.


Don't have an Amazon Business account? Sign up below.

  • Choose days and times during which you'd like shipments delivered

    Choose days and times during which you'd like shipments delivered

    Choose preferred weekdays and times to receive shipments. Identify business closure days and holidays on which you cannot receive deliveries.

  • Provide customized instructions for seamless delivery

    Provide customized instructions for seamless delivery

    Provide instructions for how you want shipments delivered. For example, identify locations such as a loading dock or mail room or front office where shipments can be delivered, provide access code to enter your building etc.


  • Leverage same-day shipping

    Leverage same-day shipping

    Enable same-day shipping if your business can accept deliveries during evening hours.


  • Enable pallet deliveries

    Enable pallet deliveries

    Choose pallet deliveries on eligible large shipments if your business is capable of receiving pallets. Amazon Business offers pallet deliveries to commercial addresses whenever possible.

  • Consolidate shipments for convenient delivery

    Consolidate shipments for convenient delivery

    Business Prime members can now choose up to two weekdays to receive eligible shipments from Amazon Business. Enjoy fewer weekly deliveries and boxes. Focus on daily productivity instead of daily deliveries.

  • Edit delivery addresses and preferences at any time

    Edit delivery addresses and preferences at any time

    Have your delivery needs changed? Update your individual or shared addresses, edit delivery preferences, and continue to receive your shipments when you need them.