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From cumbersome to seamless: The future of government procurement

How to leverage modern procurement technology to retain talent in government departments.

Small government departments are grappling with pressing challenges that significantly impact their ability to attract and retain top talent. Eighty-one percent of state and local governments are hiring new employees but face workforce challenges that are impacting total employment. While this can be attributed to a variety of factors, such as low salaries and limited professional development opportunities, the most significant factor is the lack of retention strategies.


Technology is key to employee retention. A strong onboarding process, supported by the right technological structure, can improve new hire retention by 82 percent. Many small government teams are still reliant on outdated and often cumbersome procurement technology. These systems, which are resource-intensive and slow, place these departments at a distinct competitive disadvantage, particularly when compared to larger organizations that offer more streamlined and attractive employment packages.


However, there is a promising solution. The emergence of modern procurement technologies presents a significant opportunity. By embracing these advanced systems, small government departments can unlock many benefits that directly contribute to an enhanced ability to attract and retain talent.


Benefits of Modernizing Procurement Systems

  1. Reduced administrative burdens: Modern procurement systems automate and streamline purchasing processes, freeing up valuable time and resources. This reduced workload allows small departments to focus more on strategic initiatives, enhancing employee satisfaction and engagement.
  2. Improved efficiency: Advanced procurement solutions offer visibility of real-time spending, inventory, and supplier performance. Such insights empower employees to make faster decisions and take a more agile approach to meeting departmental needs, including the rapid deployment of tools and resources essential for new hires.
  3. Increased transparency: With features like purchasing optimization, modern systems foster a transparent environment where decisions are made fairly and openly. This transparency is crucial not just for procurement but also for government departments to be open with taxpayers on how their money is being spent within the community.


Take steps toward modernization

For small government departments, your role in modernizing procurement systems and enhancing appeal to top talent is crucial. The following steps are your guide to making a significant impact:

  1. Assess current systems: Conduct a thorough review of existing procurement processes to identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement.
  2. Research modern solutions: Explore available procurement technologies that align with the department's specific needs and budget constraints.
  3. Pilot and implement: Start with a pilot project to test the new system before fully implementing it department-wide.
  4. Train staff: Ensure that all employees are well-trained in the new system to maximize its benefits and foster a culture of innovation and efficiency.
  5. Monitor and adapt: Continuously monitor the system's performance and make necessary adjustments to meet the department's evolving needs.


The modernization of procurement systems is not just about improving purchasing processes; it's a strategic move that can significantly enhance a small government department's ability to attract and retain the talented professionals needed to drive success in the public sector. By taking decisive steps to upgrade their procurement systems, these government teams can position themselves as employers of choice.

Learn how you can modernize your procurement teams

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