Organize workflows and multi-user accounts with groups | Amazon Business
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Organize workflows and multi-user accounts with groups

Learn how to create groups based on company needs.

In last week’s blog, you learned about some of the features and benefits of multi-user accounts. This week, we’ll show you some of the features and benefits of groups. Groups are an extension of multi-user accounts and provide administrators with more control.


Groups help to organize multiple users by common type such as location, cost center, project, or department. When there’s a single task involving multiple people, a group can help to simplify. By mirroring your organization’s structure, multiple users in a group can align around areas like purchasing objectives, business units, departments, or other company needs. Collaboration and customized approval workflows are easy with multiple users in a single group. Groups can also be set up to allow individual or shared payment methods with defined preferred products.


To help streamline its purchasing process, an operator of private schools in Florida rolled out Amazon Business across 42 schools. By setting up groups, the school leaders were able to streamline the approval process and gain insight into purchases. This level of control helped save time and resources and gave teachers more control over their orders.


Next week we’ll help you set up approvals for your multi-user accounts. Learn more about setting up groups here.


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