All the Interactions you need in one place | Amazon Business
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All the Interactions you need in one place

Say goodbye to hours spent chasing down support tickets and follow up emails. Leverage the newest Amazon Business tool to streamline communications and reclaim your workday.

Amazon Business announces the launch of Your Interactions, a one-stop location to track progress of open support issues for your organization. Allowing all users and admins to monitor progress and re-open cases on their account without requiring following up with contacts.


How it works

When a customer reaches out to the support team or selling partner with an issue that requires ongoing investigation, a ticket is created that customers are able to reference from their account at any time. Tickets display comments and progress updates from Amazon. Even after an issue is marked resolved, if a customer feels that there is more to address, they have the power to re-open a ticket without the need to start from scratch. Prior to Your Interactions, account administrators had less visibility and awareness of the developments of issues facing their account.


Customers are able to get back to their day-to-day responsibilities while the Amazon support team or selling partners work behind the scenes to solve the problem. Rather than waiting or digging through an Inbox for updates, the case in Your Interactions is updated in real-time with clear-cut next steps for both sides.


Easy to track updates

Your Interactions allows users and administrators to receive proactive notifications whenever there are updates or resolutions to their open issues. Both enterprise and small-to-medium size businesses benefit from the time-savings that could have been spent in ongoing live chats or on the phone.

"Efficiency is the key for Business customers. With Your Interactions providing insights into the needs of our customers, and streamlining processes to meet those needs in time, we ensure every interaction is fruitful”

— Debasish Sanpui, Director of Software Development, Amazon Business

Where to find Your Interactions for your account

Your Interactions is available to Amazon Business customers worldwide. Visit Your Interactions to track progress of any existing cases on your account today.

1.      Navigate to the top menu and hover over Your Account

2.      Click Your Interactions in the drop down menu

Access Your Interactions or reach out to a Customer Advisor to learn more