Your monthly bulletin with articles, updates, and tips to reshape buying within your organization.

The Amazon Business Pulse

The Amazon Business Pulse

Your monthly bulletin with articles, updates, and tips to reshape buying within your organization.

Amazon Business

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  • What's New: Support Black-owned businesses

    What's New: Support Black-owned businesses

    Discover selection from Black-owned businesses and learn about the people leading them.

    Shop now
  • Best of the blog: Streamline expense management and reconciliation

    Best of the blog: Streamline expense management and reconciliation

    Connect your expense management software to simplify and automate Amazon Business purchasing.

    Read the blog
  • Customer success: bp: How Amazon Business and AB are reshaping the future of energy

    Customer success: bp: How Amazon Business and bp are reshaping the future of energy

    “We are consolidating orders with Amazon Business to one day per week timed with our vessel schedules. This adds reliability to our supply chain, and will have a positive impact on our ambition to be net zero by 2050.”  

    — Justin Burnett, Vice President of Materials Management and Warehousing

    Learn more

Pro Tip

See shipping cost savings from Business Prime

If you are a Business Prime member, you can view your ship cost savings in the Procurement Dashboard in Spend Visibility.

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