Admins can create a 'Preferred Policy' based on their Reorder lists | Amazon Business

Admins can create a 'Preferred Policy' based on their Reorder lists

Customers can help their buyers discover preferred items by creating a policy based on their reorder lists
Release Date: 27 April 2020
Last Updated: 27 April 2020

Admins with Business Prime accounts can make it easier for buyers in their organization to find items on their replenishment lists (for e.g. Reorder list) by creating a Preferred List policy. This policy will remain in sync with the list and reflect any changes that are made automatically. Admins can set a custom message for items on the list which will be displayed to buyers on the detail pages. The list will also be shared with the buyers in the Shared with you section under Lists, enabling them to access it directly if they prefer. Items in these lists will show up in search results via the ‘Preferred by your company’ widget.

How to access:

Hover on Account at the top right corner, which will include the customer’s name. Under the Manage Your Business, click on Buying policies then click Manage under Buying policies & approvals. To create a new Preferred List policy, select Add Policy.