Enforce the usage of budgets with your buyers | Amazon Business

Enforce the usage of budgets with your buyers

Better control your budgeting by requiring buyers in your organization to select a budget (blanket PO) in checkout and removing all other PO options.
Release Date: 21 July 2021
Last Updated: 21 July 2021

Administrators can require buyers to enter or select a purchase order number (PO) when checking out. There are two types of POs: standard purchase orders and blanket purchase orders. Blanket purchase orders are assigned a budget that buyers cannot exceed. To better enforce buyers to spend against their budgets, administrators can now limit buyers to only be able to add a blanket PO at checkout.


To enforce budget blanket POs at checkout, administrators can go to their Budget (blanket PO) page and check the box that says Require all purchases in this group to use a blanket PO if PO is required.