ECLASS is a cross-industry standard to classify products and services. It enables companies to exchange products and services data according to a common standard across sectors, countries, languages and organizations.
ECLASS taxonomy is added as a second optional taxonomy (together with UNSPSC) in the Punchout settings. Customers who depend on ECLASS classification to spend on Amazon can opt to receive ECLASS in Punchout. Admins can switch to ECLASS taxonomy as self-service feature. To do so, please follow these steps.
1. Log into your Amazon Business account
2. Select Business settings
3. Go to the System integrations tab and select Purchasing system to update the Taxonomy settings and enable ECLASS
European customers who use ECLASS as their internal standard will not have to manually map their internal classification to Amazon UNSPSC as they will be able to select to receive ECLASS directly in their Punchout orders.
EU 5 countries including the UK, Germany, France, Italy and Spain.
A downloadable list of ECLASS codes is available at the following links