The Amazon Business American Express Card now features Address Autocomplete, available in the US.
- What is Address Autocomplete?
The Amazon Business American Express Card team has introduced the Address Autocomplete feature, which streamlines the application process for small business card applicants. This significantly reduces the number of fields a customer must complete manually.
- How does it work?
The Address Autocomplete feature automatically suggests up to five addresses as the applicant begins to enter their address in the first field. Upon selecting the correct address, all the required fields (Address, Zip Code, State, and City) are automatically filled in.
- What are the customer benefits?
The Address Autocomplete feature simplifies the application process for small business card applicants by reducing the number of fields they need to fill in when entering their business or personal address. This leads to a quicker, more seamless submission of their application.
- Where are we launching?
In the US only.