How to join an Amazon Business account

Watch this video to learn how to register for your organization's Amazon Business account.

You've received your invitation - now what?

The first step in in joining your organization's Amazon Business account is the administrator sending you an invitation. What happens next depends on how you've used your work email on Amazon in the past. 

  • New to Amazon

    If you've never used your work email with Amazon, you are considered new to Amazon.

  • Existing Account (Business Purchases)

    If you have used your work email address with Amazon for business purchases, we recommend migrating your account.

  • Existing Account (Personal Purchases)

    If you have used your work email address with Amazon for personal purchases, we recommend separating your accounts.


  • To join your organization’s official account, you should have received a welcome email from Once you receive an invitation, click the provided link to start the registration process. You'll fall under one of three scenarios, which will determine what the next steps are

  • If you have never used your work email with Amazon, welcome! You are considered new to Amazon and can enter your name, create a password, and click start shopping once you've received your invitation.

  • If you have used your organization email address on Amazon solely for business purchases, migrating this account will allow your Amazon order history to follow you to your Amazon Business account so you can continue to reference it.


    Be aware: if you have made any personal purchases on this account, we do not recommend migrating, as all order history and possibly payment methods will be visible to administrators on the business account.


    You will know if you already have an Amazon account tied to your work email address because you will be prompted for your password. If you did not know you already had an account, go ahead and select ‘Forgot your password?’ to regain access to this account. Once you provide your password, you will be asked how you want to proceed. To confirm, if you use this account solely for business purposes.

    • To migrate your account, select the organization business shopping only option and click next. 
    • On the next page, select, 'Yes, add to my organizations Shared Account' and click Next. 
    • Finally, select 'Start Using Amazon Business'.

    If you already have a business account with your organization’s email address, you will need to deregister that account before an invitation can be sent to you. We recommend downloading an order history report for the past 12 months using Business Analytics before deregistering.

  • If you have used your organization email address on Amazon for personal purchases, we recommend separating your accounts for this scenario. Even if you have made some business purchases, it is best practice to simply separate the account, since administrators will have visibility to your order history.


    To separate your account, click the link in your invitation, sign in to your account, and select “A mix of Organization business and personal shopping.” Designate a brand new personal email address. The email you input at this time cannot already exist on Amazon.


    This action will give your work email address a clean slate. Your personal email address will be used for accessing your previous account moving forward, including order history, saved payments, and shipping addresses.


    • Once you have input your new email, you can continue on to create your new account with your organization email address, click next and then Finish joining Amazon Business. 
    • From there you will enter your name, and a new password, and click “Create your business Account’ and verify your email address by entering the One Time Password sent to you. 
    • Click Create your Amazon account to finish your registration. 
    • Please note, if you are prompted to add a mobile number, that this is optional. If it is not a good time to add a number to your account, you can select ‘Not now’.
  • Please contact your administrator or the person who invited you to the account, as listed in your welcome email.

Get started with Amazon Business