Amazon Business Launches Small Business Grants 2023 | Amazon Business
Amazon Business Small Business Grants

Amazon Business 2023 Small Business Grants

May 21:
 Grant application due
June 15 - 25: Amazon Business Customers vote
July 17: Grant Recipients announced


Amazon Business Small Business Grants 2023

Amazon Business awarded over $250,000 in grants and prizes to support the growth of 15 small businesses across the U.S.

Small Business Grants are exclusively for Amazon Business small business customers that make less than or equal to 1 million dollars in annual revenue. Learn more about the Grant terms and conditions and visit to apply, vote, and find our who the winners are. This year Amazon Business will award over $250,000 in monetary grants in addition to other prizes to a total of 15 recipients, including one grand prize recipient, four finalists, and ten semi-finalists. Starting June 15, Amazon Business customers will have a chance to vote for their favorite entrepreneur to win the grand prize.


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The Amazon Business Small Business Grants program is part of Amazon Business’ efforts to empower small businesses and their communities. It is an important way for us to give back and we recently learned more about how many small businesses are looking for them. According to research by SEM Rush*, from 2018 – 2022, year over year, Google searches for the phrase “small business grants” tripled. Those three words made almost one quarter of the most frequent “small business”-related Google searches. After seeing how previous recipients were able to advance their business, we wanted to offer grants again this year and hope you apply. Good luck to all applicants! 


Grant Prizes 

Prizes include: Monetary grants ranging from $15,000 to $25,000, a 1-year Business Prime membership, and free products from eero and Kindle Scribe. Plus, the grand prize recipient and finalists will receive a consultation with the Amazon Business team to discuss how to best leverage Amazon Business for their business needs.


Grant Application process

To take advantage of the Amazon Business Small Business Grants, you will need to have an Amazon Business account. If you don’t have an Amazon Business account, visit to easily set up your free account today. Learn more about the Grant terms and conditions. To apply, vote, and find out who the winners are, please visit: Grant applications are due by May 21, 2023.


Vetting process

We are excited to collaborate with, who will select 15 shortlisted candidates. From June 15 – June 25, Amazon Business customers can vote for their favorite small business to receive the $25,000 grand prize. We will announce the recipients, including the grand prize winner on July 17, 2023. 


Key Grant Deadlines

May 21, 2023: Grant application due
June 15 - June 25, 2023: Amazon Business customers vote for their favorite small businesses
July 17: 2023: Grant Recipients will be announced


Amazon Business Small Business Grants 2022

Last year, we introduced the Amazon Business Small Business Grants program and awarded over $250,000 in grants to small businesses. We received over 19K in grant applications. Learn more about the Amazon Business Small Business Grant Winners 2022.

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