Amazon Business Integrated Search is available with JAGGAER ONE
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Amazon Business Integrated Search is available with JAGGAER ONE

Customers can search the Amazon Business catalog from JAGGAER ONE eProcurement.

Amazon Business offers business customers an Integrated Search experience within e-procurement systems. Now JAGGAER has launched Amazon Business’ Integrated Search functionality for customers in the US, EU, Canada, Japan and India.


Integrated Search allows users to browse hundreds of millions of products with business-only pricing and real-time availability without having to leave JAGGAER solutions. Users can see all item attributes and product details from Amazon Business within the JAGGAER search results. This feature saves the end user time from having to search the websites of multiple vendors and easily allows for comparison shopping within JAGGAER One eProcurement. Account administrators can set up guided buying policies to help ensure compliance.


Since the launch of Amazon Business’ Integrated Search, procurement teams can facilitate smart business buying by helping customers drive adoption of purchasing policies and limit rogue spend. Customers can save time and support compliance by staying in a single tool.


Getting started

To get started with JAGGAER and Amazon Business Integrated Search, connect with a Customer Advisor.

"With Integrated Search, Amazon Business and JAGGAER are taking e-procurement to another level. The shopping experience inside our e-procurement system is now easier to navigate and comparison search for the products our campus needs. Our university departments always appreciate greater efficiencies and resources, and this Integrated Search tool provides just that.”

— Mary W. Helmick, Director of Procurement, Virginia Tech

Learn more about Integrated Search and connect with a customer advisor to get started.