Adding & Removing Users | Amazon Business

Adding & removing users

Administrators can add users to the account one by one, or all at once by uploading a spreadsheet.

How invitations work
When a user is added to the business account, the admin assigns them a role, and an invitation to join is immediately emailed. Invitations are tied to the user's email address - the recipient cannot change the email address they used to register for the account.

End users must take action after being invited to an account in order to become an active user, as invitations are valid for 90 days from send date. Users will receive several reminder emails if they have not completed their registration. After 90 days, the invitation will expire and will need to be sent again by the administrator.

Three methods to add users
Add up to 20 users at once by email (easiest method)
Share a link for users to request access
Add multiple users via spreadsheet

Admins will receive email notifications to Approve or Deny new user requests. When an admin approves a request to join, they will be prompted to assign a role and a group to that user.

Resending invitations
Navigate to Business Settings, input user email address in the search bar to which you have invited the user, and select the correct group. Administrators can also find this by visiting the Members section of your Settings page. Select Invitations followed by Actions, and click Resend from the drop down menu.

Removing users
If you ever need to remove users, you can do so under the People section of Business Settings. Locate a user through the search bar or the People section of the account. Once the administrator has found the user's profile, they can choose to either remove them from a specific group, or from the business account as a whole. Extra steps may be required to remove a user completely from the business account.

Once a user is removed, they will need to accept a new invitation to regain access to the account.

Manage users in your Amazon Business account.