Simplify your purchasing operations

Simplify purchasing operations 

Share the familiar user experience of Amazon with colleagues who need to buy for work, with added flexibility and selection parameters.

  • Simplify selection and reordering

    Simplify sourcing and reordering

    Simplify buying by leveraging Amazon Business' replenishment solutions, including business lists and recurring deliveries.

    See replenishment features
  • Learn more

    Set policies to guide purchasing

    Guided Buying makes it easier to manage employee spending and compliance by steering them to the right products or suppliers and identifying product categories that employees shouldn’t purchase.

    Learn about Guided Buying
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    Improve your delivery experience

    Convenient delivery options that let you choose how you want orders delivered. Create efficiencies with convenient shipping options.

    Customize delivery preferences
  • 3-Way Match

    Bring purchase orders to a closure quickly using 3-Way Match

    Avoid confirming receipt for orders that are missing, damaged, or incorrect. 3-Way Match automatically unites your order, item receipt, and invoice for faster reconciliation—matching all invoice line-items to the receiving status.

    Learn about 3-Way Match

Encourage socially responsible purchasing

Amazon Business can drive progress on corporate social responsibility (CSR) goals by sourcing products from certified sellers and local businesses. Track and report spend across your organization for local buying, sustainability, and supplier diversity.

Connect with a customer advisor to get started.